Because the Gospel CAN Transform Our Hearts, Heal Our Relationships, and Enrich Our World… Gospel Church for All Nations (Gospel CAN) exists for spiritual renewal, relational reconciliation, and discipleship  from the Delaware Valley to the ends of the earth.

“Sociologists tell us that dissonant groups within a larger society react…to reduce the potential for friction in two predictable ways. One is to compromise their distinctive beliefs and way of life and so reduce their conflict with society. The other is to keep their dissonance and tribalize, retreating within their own group and thus losing contact with society.” [Keyes, Chameleon Christianity]

Gospel CAN members seek to do neither. Since many of us grew up in ethnic enclaves, we often would see this  behavior in action. A chameleon protects itself by changing color to blend into its surrounding. Likewise, we try to blend in with the majority community…such as some people changing their family name to avoid prejudice (often in order to find a better job). On the other hand, like musk oxen (which protects themselves by grouping together), we try to congregate or isolate into ethnic enclaves for protection–such as in Chinatown or Little Italy. Interestingly, this is exactly what Jesus was warning about in Matthew 5:13-16. The reason for this tendency is self-protection. But, our call to be salt of the earth and the light of the world is to move us away from this self-protection tendency.

The function of salt is to preserve and season food. As salt of the earth, Christians are called to live distinctively different from those who are not learners of Christ.  We therefore have the ability to preserve society from deterioration…or at least to slow down society’s spoiling process.  Instead, we are called to ENRICH our broken world!  But if Christians conform to the worldly standard that ability is lost. The tendency to conform is what Jesus meant by the tasteless salt. If we are just like the world around us, we will have no power to preserve it. If people cannot see the difference in our life in comparison to the people around us, then we have no taste. They will not ask: “what is the secret of your transformed life?” Romans 12:2 reminds us: “do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The function of light is to reveal what is hidden in darkness and to guide us into proper paths in avoiding danger. As light of the world, Christians do reveal the sins of this world and have the ability to guide people to avoid (or be redeemed from) a self-destructive life. However, when Christians hide their light, the ability to reveal and guide is compromised. Jesus commended, “You are SALT… and let your LIGHT SHINE…” to let us know how important our tasks are as ambassadors for His kingdom. We aim to let His light shine!

One reason why Christians fail to be salt and light is because the world is a dangerous place. Jesus said, “You are like sheep among wolves.” But Jesus also said, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).  The way to avoid these extremes is to be mature in Christ Jesus. We’re not to conform to the pattern of this world–but we’re also not to isolate from it. We’re called to engage and transform the world with the Word of God, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, as the world seeks to press us into its mold, we aim to be faithful to walk in the truth and be salt and light so that we can preserve, season, reveal and guide the people around us.

Vision & Mission