Welcome to our church! We are excited to introduce you to our vibrant Children's Ministry. Through engaging Sunday school classes, interactive lessons, and creative activities, we provide a nurturing environment for your child to grow in their faith and develop a deep understanding of God's Word. Our dedicated team of volunteers is passionate about guiding children on their spiritual journey and helping them apply biblical principles in their daily lives. We also organize special events and programs throughout the year, creating opportunities for your child to build friendships and make lasting memories. We believe in partnering with parents to support your child's spiritual growth, providing resources and a caring community. Explore our website to learn more about our Children's Ministry and how you can get involved. We look forward to welcoming your child and embarking on a meaningful journey of faith together.

...but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’
— Matthew 19:14 esv